We are certified consultants specializing in risk management, cybersecurity, and compliance.
At Secliance, we are committed to delivering transformative advisory and assurance services in support of your goals and mission. We know that constant changes to regulations, technologies, and the threat landscape can be overwhelming and that is why…
…our main goal is to give you peace of mind that you are protecting what matters while saving you time and money. We help businesses objectively navigate and operationalize information security, privacy, risk, and compliance programs. Which in turn strengthens business processes, enables innovation, increases shareholder trust, and ultimately protects the bottom line.
We do this by…
…working closely with organizations to design custom, goal driven plans to meet your unique goals. Every organization is unique, including its business mission, technology, people, program maturity, and project objectives and as such, we tailor each project to the unique organizational needs.
Our consultants…
…are highly specialized with years of practical experience to help you achieve your unique business objectives. Our consultants hold recognized professional certifications such as CISSP, CISA, GSTRT, CCSFP, and CPA. Our vast experiences enable us to bring a balanced cost-benefit approach to managing organizational risk
Our cybersecurity advisory and assurance & assessment services provide holistic security strategies that focus on the "big picture" while driving compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
Our Commitment
To Serve with Purpose, Act with Respect, and invest in Knowledge.
Our Purpose
To helping businesses strategize, implement, and transform security and compliance programs.
Our Mission
To promote optimal data protection practices in every organization.
Why? The answer is simple. We believe that each business has a responsibility to protect the sensitive data they are entrusted with by their customers and shareholders.
Protecting sensitive data is necessary for business survival.
Our Values
At Secliance, we believe that when we Serve with Purpose, Act with Respect, and invest in Knowledge, we can S.P.A.R.K. transformation in information governance practices in every organization.
These are just a few ways we demonstrate that we care about our customers, community, and team members.
Serve: By developing relationships that make a positive impact to others and partnering to create value.
Purpose: By beginning with the end in mind, defining the why, and keeping it simple.
Act: By delivering our very best in all we do and holding ourselves accountable for results.
Respect: By being objective, transparent, fair, and open in all our dealings.
Knowledge: By staying curious, consistently innovating and improving, and sharing our knowledge with our customers and community.
What Sets Us Apart
Our clients gain a trusted advisor to guide them through tricky nuances of the ever-changing cybersecurity and compliance landscape.
You can’t afford to take chances and unnecessary risks with your project. We deliver sustainable results that help you build shareholder trust, increase operational efficiency, and transform cybersecurity and compliance programs.
Our seasoned practitioners have many years of hands-on management and operational experience. Each project team is staffed with certified subject matter experts with relevant industry certifications including:
We are committed to doing business the right way. We strive to provide proactive advice, insight, and resources; and eliminate complexity in our processes.
Your needs are unique to your environment. We tailor our solutions to meet your unique business and security requirements.
Get In Touch
Learn how we can help you accelerate your cybersecurity and compliance goal.